"Master the Dynamic Art of Hapkido ... Unleash Your Inner Warrior and Embark on a Life-Changing Journey!"

Experience the Power of Authentic Hapkido Training, Achieve Peak Physical Fitness, Cultivate Unshakeable Confidence, and Discover a Whole New Level of Fun and Excitement.

"Master the Dynamic Art of Hapkido ... Unleash Your Inner Warrior and Embark on a Life-Changing Journey!"

Experience the Power of Authentic Hapkido Training, Achieve Peak Physical Fitness, Cultivate Unshakeable Confidence, and Discover a Whole New Level of Fun and Excitement.


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*We hate spammers and hope they get roundhouse kicked in the face! We value your privacy and will never share your information with anyone, ever!

“So, what exactly is Hapkido? ”

Imagine moving with the fluidity of water, seamlessly transitioning between attacks and defenses, employing the power of circular motion, redirection, and leverage. Picture yourself mastering joint locks, throws, and dynamic kicking techniques, embodying the adaptability and strength of nature's most resilient forces. This is Hapkido, a martial art steeped in centuries of tradition and wisdom.

With Hapkido, your body will become a tool of incredible versatility, strengthened and conditioned for a wide array of techniques. Your mind will sharpen, focused on the principles of non-resistance, circular motion, and the water principle - the idea of using your opponent's energy against them. Your spirit will reach a new equilibrium, a tranquility that mirrors the harmony sought in each Hapkido technique. Hapkido isn't just about self-defense - it's a path to balance and inner peace, where the physical techniques are simply stepping stones on the journey.




Be part of our team with these name brand, high quality uniforms, featuring custom screen printing on the front and back. Belt is included!

$45 Value


Having the right equipment is important to your safety in class. Our high-quality gloves are the perfect thing to keep you safe while rock out on our bags.

$60 Value


We care about our community and making sure you are given tips and tools to take care of yourself at home! You will receive multiple Bonus PDF's!

$30 Value

Fitness, Protection, taking Action and Discipline. The Keys to Your Success.

Martial Arts is so more than just Punches, Kicks and Takedowns. In the first 14 days you will start to see a shift, more so in your mindset, focus and physical development. Over time you will experience your physical and mental strengths manifest in work, with friends, and at home.


Non-Stop Action Packed Classes.

What is so special and unique about Ultimate Martial Arts & Kickboxing is that we coach and help instruct you in a friendly manner. FUN, ACTION PACKED classes are a given and help create a learning environment that makes it easy for students of all ages to understand.

Your Very Own Personal Success Coach.

Imagine, your having your very own team of success coaches working with you to reinforce all of your hard work, while motivating you to push harder, get challenged and ultimately develop into the best version of yourself. Your certified martial arts instructors have been trained to support you and mentor you when things get tough, we will be there every step of the way!

Student Health & Safety is Our #1 Priority

Mats & Equipment Cleanliness

Our Team has strict protocols with disinfecting equipment and the mats at the end of every night. While we also have a weekly deep clean of the school.

Common Surface Cleanliness

Before/After every class our team uses industrial hospital grade disinfecting solution to clean all surfaces on equipment, and the most commonly toughed surfaces like door knobs, seats, and bags.

Social Distancing Precision

Following CDC and State & Local Guidelines, we currently space our students/athletes accordingly for social distancing, and we have several safety recommendations in place, including masks...

Don't Wait Any Longer. Get Your Access Now.

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Adults who train Martial Arts do better in work, have an improved home life and feel better about themselves

Our Guarantee

You and I are going to sit down, dig deep into your goals for your kids, and together build the most perfect and customized program that will be exactly what you’ll need to reach those goals!


That way if you are not completely blown away by seeing your mood shift in 2 Weeks, you don’t pay a dime ever again! Notta’, nothing… no fine print, no sign up fees, no cancellation fees, completely and absolutely no commitment afterwards. How awesome is that?

But Don’t Take Our Word For it.

Here’s What Other Members Had to Say...